Open Kitchen Science

In my research I will use the Principles of Open Kitchen Science as important guideline. Open Kitchen Science has its basis in Open Science, which is an international movement, defined by the European Commision as: “Open science represents a new approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools. The idea captures a systemic change to the way science and research have been carried out for the last fifty years: shifting from the standard practices of publishing research results in scientific publications towards sharing and using all available knowledge at an earlier stage in the research process”.

The general aim of Open Kitchen Sciences is to increase scientific efficiency by sharing as much information as possible with other scientists and the general public. The Principles are nicely described by Rosanne Hertzberger.


In short, every finding in Open Kitchen Science is made public.

  • The gold standard of scientific quality is replication of results by an independent researcher. The silver standard of quality control is traditional peer review in a transparent way.

  • An experimental setup is preferably published before the experiments are executed.

  • Any methods developed and used will be made public once they are tested and ready to use.

  • Any other communication on this project, such as posters, slides and talks will be made public.

  • The language used in Open Kitchen Science will be as simple as possible.

  • This project will use a personal platform to communicate the ongoing work.